Pokémon Game
Desktop App Development - 2012
While learning C# in high school, I decided to take what I learned (which was admittedly pretty basic at the time) and make something interesting out of it. I've always been a pretty huge fan of the Pokémon games, so I decided to try and see if I could make a simple battle/catching simulator between two Pokémon.

About the Game
The goal of this game can be anything you want! You can choose to simply battle the opposing Pokémon and see who wins or decide to catch the Pokémon; you make your own rules. Maybe if you're really lucky, you'll come across an even rarer version of the opposing Pokémon...who knows?

Source Code
All of the source code for this Pokémon game is available on GitHub. If you'd like to play it for yourself, an executable download link is provided as well. Just follow the instructions on the GitHub README.