Pokédex Web App

Web Development - Work in Progress

This is a something that I am currently working on as a side project. This web app aims to assist both the competitive and casual Pokémon communities by providing a quick and efficient way to access the information they need.

As time permits, I plan on working on this heavily and hopefully releasing it this year.

iPhone displaying the Pokédex web app with various information displayed
Comparison of the web app versus the other popular Pokémon sites. Content is very cluttered on the popular sites, but clean and readable on the web app.

The Problem

Ugly, hard to use, and bloated

Many of the top Pokédex sites popular today leave much to be desired. Either they are loaded with tons of information that you might not even need or they are so skimpy and light that you don't find the details you are looking for. Making matters worse, many aren't optimized for mobile at all, requiring you to zoom and pan all over the place. Yuck.

Examples of these sites include the popular Serebii.net and Bulbapedia sites.

The Solution

Pokédex web app displayed across multiple devices: a laptop, tablet, and a smartphone

Highly Scalable

With so much of today's web traffic coming from mobile devices, making the experience good on mobile is of prime importance. Of course, we don't neglect tablet and desktop users; the app dynamically changes to any screen size to optimize usability and screen real estate.

An iPhone showing the AngularJS framework logo on the screen

Lightning Quick

With all of the information involved in Pokémon, it's essential that the process be quick and easy to find what you're looking for. By building the app using AngularJS, pages will only load what they need to and never disrupt the user. By leveraging the advanced technology in today's browsers, pages can also be built on the fly.

iPhone displaying a neat, orderly list of various Pokémon

Easy to Use

No longer will you have to put up with pinching and zooming to read the tiny text like the other sites. By cutting out all the fluff, the user will only be presented with the information that truly matters. This allows us to make things big, readable, and (most importantly) usable on any device. In addition, users will also be able to save the web app to their home screen where it will function like a native app.

App icon for the Pokédex app displayed alongside the web app running in an iPhone browser

Try It Out

Although the app is far from being completed, I've included a couple of example pages for you to browse. Even though it is very simple thus far, I hope you can get a sense for the seamless experience that the Pokédex aims to achieve.