Personal Logo

Logo Design - 2016

This is the logo that you see on this site. I designed this logo to represent and market myself. You will find this logo on my resume, cover letter, business cards, and so forth.

Tyler Hendrickson logo
Tyler Hendrickson logo on a white background

The Process

As a bit of a perfectionist, creating a logo to represent myself wasn't easy. It needed to be recognizable, clean, and also represent me or my name in some shape or form. From the start, I settled on using my intials, "TH", as the basis for the logo. After a few less than ideal iterations, I started to focus on the symmetry of the letters T and H. Fitting them together, I found that they created a neat (if somewhat simple) look. To add another dash of personality, I added the square brackets to the sides to represent my interests in programming.

Color Scheme

Row of boxes displaying various colors